Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Netbook Runs Windows 7!

A couple of weeks ago I put Windows 7 on my Acer Aspire One. The process was actually pretty simple. I just followed the directions I found at a blog, Into Windows . The directions were clean and direct. I used a portable USB 60 gig hard drive that I loaded with the Windows 7 files on another Windows 7 computer. I had tried to do this with a Vista based computer but it didn't work until I was able to do it on a Windows 7 machine.

The upgrade was easy and all the functions worked as I used them. That is, when I inserted an SD card the SD card drivers loaded, when I tried to use the wireless, then the proper drivers loaded. After rebooting a couple of times, the computer worked perfectly.

One problem I had was that I assumed that all my programs and files would be removed during the installation. On the contrary, they were all placed in a folder, Windows.old. The program files were useless, just taking up space the data files were there but not where I wanted them. My solution would be to uninstall all programs and archive all files then install when XP is as clean as you can make it.

Is it worth the effort?

My Acer was running Windows XP before the upgrade and I am very pleased. The positives are pretty easy to see.
  • Networking is easier and it finds the network faster
  • It is easier to share files, including music and pictures on my home network
  • The machine seems faster both in booting and while running.
  • Windows 7 seems to take better advantage of the meager processor in the Aspire One
Windows 7 works great. I like it better than Vista. It seems faster and has several new convienince features that are worth looking at. All in all I am pleased with the upgrade.

BTW: If you are a student you can get the upgrade for about $30
Not being a student I bought a 3 pack from Costco.com for just a bit more than that. The three packs include upgrades for both 32 and 64bit versions. I believe you can do a clean install or an upgrade with these upgrade packs but please don't quote me.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

CEDo510 - Welcome to My World

Welcome to my blog. I find this a great place to "put stuff" that others can look at. I also want please fill out the class information form on our WIKI. I will be sending you an invititation to join the wiki, you may have received it already. I know you've filled out a lot of forms but this one will help me keep track of you folks on paper. (Yes, I will probably print the results out.)

You may have asked why I didn't have some kind of ice breaker or meet and greet session. My answer is that you know each other and I'm the outsider. I will use the information sheets to get to know you a little better.

Link to the above presentation

Thursday, February 19, 2009

CSI - Milwaukee

Welcome, I have assembled some materials that you might want to review after we are done or share with colleagues and students. These will be here because blogs don't go away. In fact, you can look back to July of 2008 when I did a presentation much like this. I recycled some of the materials and added a few new pieces.

Here is a flash version of my presentation:

Thinkfree is an online office app and here is a pep talk about online apps you can look at: Use Online Apps (From Thinkfree) Getting started with Web 2.0:

Here are some interesting Web 2.0 links:

What's an application? Where does collaboration and composition collide? Why use online apps?

Using Google Docs - An Adobe Publication which is a tutorial of sorts and quite professional.

Another Google app is the Google Notebook. I put one together, for you about Jewish Blog Sites.

Phyllis, my daughter and favorite rabbi, said I should include two additional items:
So does one keep track of all these great blogs? Here is a video that will describe a program, Web 2.0 App that will organize this for you.

Need a nice description of Social Media? Try this!