Thursday, July 10, 2008

Welcome to Sally Ride Academy '08

Note: I started blogging last year just in time for Sally Ride. Here is a link to that post, with some cool resources.

This week we will be looking at Office style applications and how they can be used effectively by students and teachers. This blog will provide you with links to the resources we use in class. I will be able to update it during class and you will be able to refer to it during and after class is over.


Read or print this document online from Scribd, a free service that allows you to place documents in iPaper format and store them online for blogs or other online access.

Project Descriptions:

Read this document on Scribd: Project descriptions08


First a little background:

Click the link below and download the file as a text file. You will need to use the file to use for Wednesday's activity.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sally Ride - July 14, 2008

Thinkfree is an online office app and here is a pep talk about online apps you can look at: Use Online Apps (From Thinkfree) Getting started with Web 2.0:

Here are some interesting Web 2.0 links:

What's an application? Where does collaboration and composition collide? Why use online apps?

Using Google Docs - An Adobe Publication Google Docs Help Google docs on iPaper ( I didn't write this or endorse it but it seems complete)

Read this document on Scribd: HOWTO use google docs

Use Online Apps (From Thinkfree)
Here is a google doc with our Class activity