Sunday, March 30, 2008

Welcome WCSS Participants 4/1/2008

Presentation from WCSS - Jim, John and Web 2.0 - Flash needed, this is a large file, give it time to load.

Same Presentation via slideboom - Fast and easy to use. Give Slideboom a try.

Handout with Hot links!
Make a comment on our WCSS writeboard (Password:WCSS)

My Daughter blogs almost daily and does some interesting things. She started blogging before I did. She uses her blogs to communicate with her congregation, students and she makes new friends. When she was in Israel last month, she took a side trip to deliver a prize that one of her blog readers had one on her blog.

Here are sites she thought you might find interesting and useful as you learn to blog:

  • Blogging Basics 101
  • Tips for making your blog read
  • When you spouse is blogging too much
  • Five things every blogger should know.
  • An HTML converter
  • Suggested blog content
  • Kids are living online
  • Tuesday, March 4, 2008

    Harambee Tech-tune Up

    The History of Desk Top Publishing! (Short Version)